Dear Members and Friends,
We are very excited to invite you to the annual North American Veterinary Dermatology Forum (NAVDF) to be held in-person, April 27-30, 2022, at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel.
We are diligently preparing a wonderful event for 2022! You will find inspiring and renowned speakers providing cutting-edge information in Clinical, Scientific and Emerging Trends tracks. As usual, the Forum will provide exceptional, in-depth educational topics. Our Roundtable Sessions will allow for unique opportunities to discuss hot topics and network with peers. The Abstract Sessions will provide you with the chance to learn from top scientists in the field and support resident research. Finally, the Exhibit Hall will deliver an interactive area where you can learn about innovative new products and services, and chat with company representatives! Upon completion of this continuing education opportunity, you will be up-to-date on the most current research in veterinary dermatology and excited to put what you have learned into practice! Believe us, you won’t want to miss this incredible professional development opportunity!
We look forward to sharing this amazing forum with you!
Rose Miller, Conference Chair
Kristin Holmes, Conference Co-Chair